Worried? 9-7
Hello, bro and sis in Christ. Recently, I have been assembling with groups from multiple churches, even though there is really only one church, and the messages have been similar. “Fear is not of the Lord”. The messages have been given in different forms and by quoting different scriptures to present it. They are in response to the current conditions unfolding in all our lives. Basically, the prince of the air has an entire generation looking down at their smartphones, continuously scrolling on bad report after bad report. Hopelessness and despair is the result and people question how a good God could let this happen. How about quit looking down at the problems and looking up and focusing on the solution that is in God Almighty? Five minutes of singing praise songs will wipe out a weeks’ worth of worry in me. If we know the bible, we have already been told what to expect in this world before Jesus’ return. Spoiler alert: it will get worse for those of the world, but not for those in Christ. Believers are the seed of Abraham and therefore heirs of the promises given him. The blessings and favor extended to Abraham’s family and even to his servants. The same anointing oil poured on the head of Abraham by our Lord is on the body of Christ and so it is on those that are a part of the body. The anointing was and still is poured on by the One who said “Before Abraham was, I am”. If you are still looking down at your phone then please remember to Google who that One was, is and will always be.
Click and praise the One: