Marching Orders 6-12

Atten-hut! It was a great sermon from Pastor Robert at Living Water on Sonday. He spoke on the power of our feet. From Genesis with the serpent’s head under the feet of Jesus, to Joshua with the walls of Jericho falling after the seven days of marching around the city. OMG, I just got it, that man has been marching for 6 God days (6000 years) on the earth and on the seventh day the trumpets will sound and the walls of evil will fall under the feet of our returning King accompanied by His saints. Pastor also told us he was inspired to walk the grounds of the church last Friday, claiming the territory for God and His purposes. I had just the night before advised a person to walk the grounds of a new, low rent, apartment they moved in to establish a hedge of protection. I have done the same around my own properties and also the schools that my children attended as they enrolled. I spoke it out loud because evil cannot hear our thoughts and God wants us to stand on our own two feet, in Jesus name, against evil. I feel this is necessary and if anyone has not, they should invest the time to claim their territory. Remember: All things are possible through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me.   

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Stomp by Kirk Franklin