Peace on Earth 4-30
It is a good day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice! Yesterday, in the harvest field, I heard a response to a request for prayer, commonly asked by most Buddhist, that God grant peace on the whole earth. I am usually stumped as I know this is not God’s will in this present season in time. But I now feel confident in replying, “Your prayer is granted. But I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that it will be at least seven years away. The good news is that when all the Christians in the world are taken up to the wedding celebration of the Son of God in one night, you can mark your calendar and peace will reign on earth in seven years from that day. Even better news is that you are invited to attend! And if you accept the invitation, you will be the bride at the wedding. And you will be clothed in the wedding gown of righteousness, a glorified and eternal body. But those who do not accept the invitation will experience the wrath of God on earth for those seven years. Because for seven years the dragon, the beast and satan will be unrestrained on earth and will rule the over those left on the earth. God desires everyone to freely accept the proposal and to be reconciled to Him forever more. At the end of the seven year period, the groom, Jesus Christ the God of peace, will return to reign over the earth with his bride for one thousand years. Your prayer will be answered!”.
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