Knowledge of Evil  6-10

Great morning to you! At least one person mistook my multiple person disorder status as a serious psychological calamity. I imagine psychiatry and pharmacy businesses would lose a lot of money if people understood the source of their inner turmoil and anxieties. The source is the knowledge of evil in our flesh body inherited since the Garden of Eden. Of course, there are chemical imbalances and brain damages that require meds. Myself, I needed anti-depressants to treat an imbalance caused by chronic marijuana use that caused severe paranoia in my younger years.  Most people do not realize we are a trinity in one human being made in the image of God. In Genesis 1:26 God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Did you ever consider whom the our” is that He refers to? Our soul (mind) is the deciding authority within us, ruling over our spirit and our body. The truth is the Holy Spirit abides in the reborn Christian’s spirit to impart insight and foresight from above. I believe, in Heaven, we will continue to learn more about God’s ways and His thoughts for an eternity. I love the B.I.B.L.E. acronym (basic instructions before leaving earth) but the key word is basic. A long but necessary rant today that I pray helps somebody besides me. Remember: Peace of mind comes with knowledge and knowledge from the Word of God.

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