Can I Get a Witness? 7-18
Can I get a witness, ya’ll? I am up at 2 am again, so thank God for afternoon naps. I do not like to repeat myself, but I like hearing it that miracles are not because God loves the person any more, nor any less, than any other person. They are for the strengthening of our faith as the miracles are told and retold. The biblical miracles have been retold, by countless billions of people, over thousands of years. They remind us that God is real, present and deeply in love with us. At a recent event, I asked people, “If God could give you one miracle today what would it be?” and then asked them to write it in a notebook I handed them along with their first names. I prayed with them, right then, to receive it and have since used the notebook as my daily prayer list. Yesterday, I returned to the scene, with a brother-in-arms, to share Jesus with more people in that apartment complex and I crossed paths with two individuals from that list, who told me they had received their miracles! One person said that she was gifted a used car that she had requested, four days after we had prayed for a vehicle. High-fives were exchanged and God was given the glory, Hallelujah! Now, I call upon the prayer warriors to join me in lifting up Gina, whose husband’s requested miracle was for healing of his wife. Gina had a MRI that revealed her painful migraines were being caused by a brain tumor. Yesterday, I laid my hands on her and anointed her head with oil as her husband, Gavin, cried out to God for healing. By faith, I believe that it is finished, but I know the power of corporate prayer, in unity of spirit. Yes and Amen, Father God. May your will be done; on earth as it is in heaven, because your will is always perfect and always right on time.
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