Boob for Christ 5-23

Hi all. Time is short so I keep pumping these posts out of my heart. I have more ideas on newly-reborn Christians in light of my experiences while attending Lakewood Church. I started attending there the year after John Osteen passed and Joel took over the pulpit. Glad I bought some of John’s cassette tapes of various sermons because I still listen to them. Joel started out preaching somewhat timidly compared to his delivery today but quickly captured a loyal following. I made the mistake of saying inside the church that,” I could not wait to hear him preach with the wisdom of a 70 year old like his father”. You would of thought I had tar and feathered Joel by the reaction I received. Contrarily, outside the church I was constantly defending Joel against claims like he is just a motivational speaker, Christianity light or he preaches a prosperity gospel. I would reply that Joel and the entire Osteen family were actually spirit-filled, tongue praying Pentecostal Christians and that his sermons were him feeding milk to the baby Christians and enticing the unsaved. If you want more, there are groups and classes almost every day of the week that feed the mature Christian manna.  I think Joel has been led by God to be a teet to suckle those new converts. I can imagine myself in a room with Joel, his mother Dodie and his siblings explaining my idea on his sermons when one of the siblings pipes out, “I always knew Joel was just a boob!”. LOL. I went longer than I should again, so remember to be a boob for Christ today.

PS: This is not a paid advertisement for Joel Osteen Ministries. Paul did.