Self-made gods 5-7
Good morning Jesus! Thank you for this day I will be glad and rejoice in it. I now know at least two people have read my rants and liked it. They must be suffering from multiple person disorder also. It is Sunday and I look forward to going to my support group meeting at Living Waters. Yesterday I was awakened by the sound of a jet engine at 4am. Living by the chemical plants all my life I recognized it was the sound of a plant releasing chemicals due to an emergency. Shell chemical had a fire the previous day so it probably was them and I decided I should leave instead of waiting for a siren or a house-in-place warning. So with nothing that I had to do, I grabbed a few things and headed for the beach in Galveston. For most of the early morning there were few people there for a weekend, I guess due to the cloud cover. But when they started showing up I found my space invaded by a group that was a Dallas Cowboy fan club. Last I counted there were fifteen popup tents connected together and they were still coming. I mingled some and made the mistake of teasing them that I was an Eagles fan and if you know football you can imagine how that was received. One woman even relayed a story of an aunt that literally kicked a relative out of her house on game day for wearing another team's jersey to her house. I could only shake my head and look down as the others seemed to agree with the aunt. So I finally get to my point today and that is we need to be careful of making our own false gods. Placing a team or anything else before Love is just wrong. Well I could go on and make this unbearable long but I will close my ramble with: Seek first Heaven and all the rest will be added.