Relax in the Lord 6-5
Hi ya. This morning I am reflecting on my weekend visits with two brothers and other family and friend members. These two live in small country type towns that were a blast from the past experience for me. My early mornings were spent in a rocking chair, coffee in hand, looking up at an impressive array of stars and planets. The following sunrise displays were equally impressive, leading to some thankful prayer time with God. A pastor friend I encouraged to rest some along the way had replied that he rests in the work of the Lord. That may be true for him, but I find I need an occasional break to recoup and refocus. Of course, I do not have a pastor calling but more of a lead by example outlook on life. And I have found that no unsaved person wants to spend time with a constantly religious friend. Thus, they do not witness a blessed life long enough to see that God is faithful and true in provision. Or that they can still have joy in abundance without the alcohol, medications or honky-tonk style parties. For me, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So, I close this ramble with remember; when led by the spirit, to relax in the Lord because, after all, we are still in our flesh bodies.
You may like Alan Jackson's version, Steve.