Mountains 5-27
Morning ya’ll. I just “got it” that I start off typing my posts in Microsoft Word ,and how good it feels that almost all my thoughts lead me to Jesus recently. I am a full-blooded Jesus freak and cannot deny it. A security officer at the tent revival took offense that I called the attendees there Jesus freaks, even after I told him I are one too. I returned to the revival for another day seeking out a man I had met named Tanel. He spoke weirdly in tone and in parables, saying things like he knew all things and implying he was an angel of God. He reluctantly joined me in the tent and said he was saved and actually he used to work the sound equipment at his church. He developed a distaste for religious people when attending church services and I replied that I agreed and related to that. Well, another person entered the conversation and it took a turn south quickly when the, albeit well intentioned, person accused Tanel of being possessed by a demon spirit. The person tried to command the demon to identify itself and when there was no reply Tanel said, “If I had a demon he would have had to answer you, so you should now know I do not have a demon in me”. The person continued to cast the perceived demon out, greatly offending Tanel and he stormed off on his way. I returned yesterday desiring to further probe Tanel to discern if he was who he said he was. What if it were true and I had entertained a messenger of God unawares?! I unfortunately did not encounter Tanel again yesterday, but I received the sermon from Pastor Shelby Crump last night that sometimes God does not remove our mountains or obstacles whenever we speak to them as according to the scriptures. It is because he is using that mountain to develop our spiritual muscles in climbing over the mountain. Then those muscles are used to overcome the next taller mountain he foresees in our future. This morning I received a word to release a mountain to Him. The mountain of reconciliation with some of my family relations, that I have been burdened with scaling for years. Again I go on too long, so remember Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light”, so take advantage and release your yoke(s) to Jesus today. Peace out.
Click to watch then repent LOL:
Family Tradition by Hank Williams Jr. with Kid Rock