Battles 6-15

Good morning. I awoke today reminiscing about my high school football days of pseudo glory. In particular, facing off against a blue chip all-state offensive tackle at Conroe McCullough, who had the strongest leg drive I would ever encounter. He literal would drive me backwards with my legs locked and my cleats making divots in the grass turf. What does this have to do with God? I found that some evil powers are easy to handle but they seem to always send ever increasingly stronger teammates. I thank God for His angels, both in the natural and in the spiritual realms. I share this because I recently added new friends who I know can relate, some of whom may benefit from it. Because, like on the football field that night, my team won the game! We are never alone when on or in the field. Remember: Our struggles strengthen our leg drive to walk the walk of faith.  

Click to struggle:

Fires by Jordan St Cyr 

Now Go!!:

The Commision by Cain