Fuel          5-30

Hi. I wanted to convey a more practical topic today because I have recently been praying with folks over their health issues. I thought about sharing my experiences with clogged arteries leading to bypass surgery and other issues related to that. I prayed to Jesus on it asking, “Why are you not helping me?” and He replied, “I have been cleaning you, but you keep putting tainted, dirty fuel back in your vehicle”. In my defense, I was working long hours and eating fast food for breakfast and lunch and then canned food (soup, spaghetti O’s, etc.) when I cooked at home. Jesus reminded me I had read that He ate a lot of fish and unleavened bread, probably prepared and drizzled with olive oil. Not the hydrogenated oils and margarine I was consuming. It is like I was putting gas with water mixed in into my vehicle then wondering why it was spitting and sputtering when I needed it to go. It still took a heart attack and my doctor using the dreaded “D” word, you know diabetes, for me to heed his advice and alter my diet. Luckily, I love vegetables prepared properly, especially in soup flavored with a little meat. And I love sweet fruits and berries but still fight the ice cream cravings, mmm rocky road. I will rap my rant up with: Remember we are what we eat. Our bodies require certain vitamins, minerals (iron, zinc, etc.) and oils for our vital organs to function properly. Well, I got to go get a bowl of……. fruit. 

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The Comeback by Danny Gokey