Got Fruits? 10-3
Please allow me to rant on the fruits of the spirit. But first I repeat, my posts are not meant to be absolute doctrine. Instead, they are my ideas at the moment, and I am open to discussion and/or correction. One fear of mine is that I mislead a fellow believer and I pray that God does not allow that to ever happen. To the point, I question whether the fruits are listed in chronological order because self-control is listed lastly in Galatians chapter 5. Must we first obtain and bear the first fruit of love in order to achieve those that follow? The next one is joy, then peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, meekness and, finally, self-control. For me, love was the easiest because God first loved me. Although, the progression from self-serving love towards the goal of self-sacrificing love of others has taken a minute and is still a challenge. The hardest fruit to obtain or bear has been that self-control one that is last in the list. Well, I will remember to keep asking for understanding as I meditate on His word.
PS: Uncertain why this song but it feels right for someone.