Outreach 6-6
Hello all. Yesterday I went to Herman Park with a street ministry team to spread the Good News. I would like to share a few of my encounters with people like Julian, a houseless artist who sold objects he makes out of palm leaves. He corrected me when I asked if he was homeless, saying he was houseless but had a home. Ben, who was homeless and in his 70’s, said he worked on oil drill rigs in New Mexico and never married or had any kids, as far as he knew. He said he may take my advice and enter a nearby church to just say hello to God again. Soucha?, a Muslim woman from Persia, was there with her adopted disabled daughter, Regeem?. She did not specify the disability other than the girl suffered brain damage from birth. I pray that the seed Mel and I planted, that Jesus was not just a prophet but actually was God in the flesh, grows to bear fruit and that Regeem obtains the ability to speak. Derrick, a volunteer promoting Doctors without Borders, is an ex-navy veteran who at 24 years old is studying marketing. But the one common thread between us all was our shared sufferings. Remember we need to give a smile if we want to receive one.
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