Teenage woes  5-9

Well I told myself I should only post once a week as it would be received as too preachy and lead to unfriending. But I know since no one is promised tomorrow, now is the time. Am I the only one who after asking God for an answer to an issue has a pastor on TV or on Sunday give a sermon on that very subject? If so give a shout of praise and thanks to Him! It is faith strengthening to receive confirmation in that way. Confirmation is what I wanted to express today because I saw a picture of two beautiful young ladies about to enter a Taylor Swift concert. Their names were Haily and Rinsly and they were outfitted in their best Swift apparel. These teenagers who were only three foot tall children seemingly yesterday were showing all the signs of fast approaching the age of accountability, if not already there. I do not think enough effort is placed in preparing our children for the change that happens spiritually when  God graduates a child and passes out the diploma. I am not sure how that all works but my observation is the now adult spirit graduate has new responsibilities. Their will is no longer obedient by God's design to their parents will. So now their mind (soul) must control their fleshly desires on it's own. Certainly, the parents will advise them to protect them from there selves but no longer does the parents will override the former child's will. What I see happening around me is confused parents and confused teenagers not understanding why their relational dynamics have changed. Both parents and teens must prepare for this change hopefully years ahead of time, before the voices crack or aunt flow visits. Well I guess I have rambled on long enough today. I pray forgiveness for not understanding the change when my children reached the age of accountability. Remember: Train up a child in God's ways and they will not depart from them.