Separation  6-20

Hi there. Yesterday, I spoke with yet another retired elder who has left the church because of the people inside it. I am not sure if this is a prevailing condition or if God is just sending me to them. His story, without the shocking specifics, involves people openly acting in ungodly ways at his church. His denomination moves their pastors around every few years and in 18 years he has seen good Pastors and some not too good pastors. After admitting he has not been a student of the bible, he says he has depended on trusted sources for his knowledge. He repeated that his most trusted source was his prayerful grandmother. I did not say it but, as an elder of the church, he should have been the one to counsel with the Pastor and bring correction to those people. My advice to these hurting souls has been to say that I attend church to praise, thank and worship God first and foremost. And even though that can be done from my living room, I must remember not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is, but exhorting one another, and so much the more; as ye see the day approaching.

PS: A do as I (He) say, not as I do message; after my recent five year break in assembling.

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