Country Music 6-8

Hello you. I went to the beach to fish the surf yesterday and it was a great day. The surf was emerald green to the beach, ice cream for those in the know, with a light crowd. It was OK that I only caught one 18” speck because I got to try out a new Bluetooth radio and surprisingly it got good reception without having an external antenna. The bonus was I found a new, to me, Christian country music station at 90.5/90.9 FM. I have always liked country music but disliked the often sad, depressing lyrics. That makes the country twang sound more like whining to me. These Christian lyrics filled me with hope, love and joy. Thank God the small and free stuff in life brings us the most joy. I guess we need to remember to save a horse and ride on the promises of God.  

Click to two step:

A Life Worth Living by Larry Fleet 

Where I Find God by Larry Fleet 

You Met Me There by Rhett Walker 

Bonus video, too good not to share:

Good to Me by Rhett Walker