Father's Day 6-17

Hello. Funny, that we greet each other with the word hell+o.? Today I ramble on about the dreaded, upcoming Father’s Day. I usually skip the Sunday service to avoid the inevitable questions about my estranged relations with my children. I have spoken with several men over the years with similar stories. Mine is a tale of a man that fought demons, in stupidity, for decades. I used to proclaim myself a demon slayer, even though demons do not die… yet. I believe God’s plan is to take them out all at once, after the one thousand year reign of Christ. They could not touch or harm me but they used my greatest fear against me, that being my perceived inability to protect my loved ones from them. That, my self-induced distancing from them, had been a thorn in my side. Last Sunday, at the altar, Pastor spoke over me that God has sprinkled the blood of His Son on the past pages of my life, and now I can close out those chapters. I have learned to trust in God’s ability and desire to place a hedge of protection around loved ones, regardless of my missteps. I also learned, the hard way, not to seek out a fight but to simply say, “The Lord rebukes you.” and watch as the demons flee. Remember: A brother offended is harder to be won than a strong city, and their contentions are like the bars of a castle.

PS: Definitely a to you but for me rant.

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Power in the Blood by Gaither