WWJD bracelet  5-16

Hello precious ones. This morning I have been thinking of my new hobby of website building and how to make that happen. But I rather talk about my first love, Jesus. Anyone remember the little bracelets that were a fad in the 1990’s. They had the letters WWJD on them and were mostly given out to the children at their churches. Well I kept mine on display in my living room ever since. So I figure now that I am retired, the bracelet should come out of retirement. I remember one of my kids gave theirs to me and dared me to wear it. I do not recall which of them did but my best guess would be my son. That is based on the fact that he would call me out as a hypocrite even though he was only 8-10 years old. At the time that made me angry and I probably replied, “Is that what they are teaching you in that child’s class at church, to speak to your dad like that?” Well he was right about it. In my defense, I had previously been reading a new testament only bible and at that time I started to read the old testament. I was confused and questioning why no one was following the OT laws that I was reading about. Out of the mouth of babes, my son knew he had never seen me following any of what I was now saying. So I plead guilty to the hypocrite accusation. I guess that is what pastors mean when I hear them say to rightly divide the Word of God. The division is at the cross that separates the OT from the NT. The covenant of the law from the new covenant of the Spirit. The thou shall nots from the thou shalls. Enough ranting for now, remember to stay on the right side of the cross today.