TGIS  5-28

TGIS, Thank God It’s Son-day! It is meant to be a day of rest but not the kind where we nap on the sofa or watch our favorite show or sport on TV. Also it is not a day for performing or just going through the motions. I believe it is supposed to be a day we receive God’s love and also return in kind. Isn’t it funny that we now call Sunday the seventh day when it is actually the first? It was explained to me that it changed after the resurrection and we now celebrate first fruits of our time with God. Can’t say I understand it yet but I have come to trust that is right. All I know is, even after 62 years, I still enjoy sitting in Abba Fathers’ lap, lapping up His warmth. Understand that in our Daddy’s time, I am but 1.5 hours old; if you calculate that His day is like a thousand years to us. I guess that is why He calls me His child. I thank Him sometimes that He treats me with kid gloves like a child, despite seeing myself as an old man. Well, I pray you get some rest today and feel His warmth.  

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Church 242 on May 27th