Multiple persons disorder 5-6

Thank you Laura for the like at least I know someone read it and appreciates my insanity. Hope all are well. Today I thought I should reveal my doctor diagnosed me with multiple person disorder. It is hereditary and comes from both the biological mother and father. I have three distinct persons in my one being, Dr. Jesus told me not to be anxious about it as everyone is born with the same disorder they just never figure it out or hide it well if they do. The psychiatrist industry and big pharma discourage telling others the truth about the reason of conflicts within a being with multiple persons disorder. My three persons are body man, soul man and spirit man. They are so distinct I have named them respectively I man, Me man and Myself man. Yes that is me, myself and I. Me (soul) is the leader, a dominate person he makes all the decisions. Myself (spirit) is timid though Myself prefers to call it humble and meek. Myself speaks to Me with a soft, calming voice and is trustworthy. Now I (flesh) is a rambunctious character and speaks with a loud, proud booming voice. I can be egotistical, considering himself a man's man he takes no gruff and can be vengeful when wronged. Thank God Me (soul) was given authority to reign I in before he loses his cool and gets all three of us hurt or imprisoned. Well I could go on badmouthing I as I is greedy, selfish, lustful, etc. only desiring to be pleased. But Me and Myself loves I because things like our immunity system are of the flesh. I's contribution to the team is essential, right? Well I pray someone is helped by todays ramblings. Remember: Understand whose you are to understand who you are.... a Trinity?