Listen to Me 7-26
Hola, ya’ll. Que tal? Lately, Holy Spirit has been working on me in the area of listening. Whenever I feel like just walking away, my mind says to me, “Sometimes, people just need to be heard”. Since retirement, I have had extra time and by hooking up with fellow evangelists, I have encountered strangers that have become my neighbors by listening to them. Most start off complaining but after realizing that I am relating and actually care, a flood gate opens up and they tell me their whole life’s story. Inside their story, I hear the source of their anger or frustration and I begin to “see” them. That is my cue to ask if they want to lift their situation up to the Lord, with a prayer of agreement with them. Once, a man even started the prayer before I could! I need to remind myself that it is never wasted time because God, then, always densely packs the rest of my day with enjoyment.
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